So, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted anything since before Christmas.
Well, there’s a reason. I had actually planned to post something Christmas Day, but, well, I sort of lost heart. You see, my uncle, my father’s older brother, past away Christmas Eve. I got the call first thing Monday, Christmas Morning. It sort of put a damper on all the other stuff going on. I’ll be flying home tomorrow, thanks to very generous bereavement rates, for the funeral. The vet was all booked up, but I got a friend to let the dog out and make sure she’s got food and water, not that I expect her to really eat while I’m away. She’s funny like that.
It’s depressing, of course, to go to funerals. Though, mainly, funerals don’t bother me. I’m much more put off by mourners. I’m a little socially awkward to begin with and nothing’s quite so awkward as either trying to comfort someone who’s just lost their spouse or parent. At least, to me.
You see, I grew up with the idea of death. We talked about it at the dinner table. My grandmother, my father’s mother, lived with us from the time I can remember until she died, which was when I was still in college. She was quite comfortable talking about funeral arrangements for herself and all the related details. My father was one of the people with the AMA who coordinated the case work that went into the now famous On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. It’s not talked about much these days, but most of her raw data came from hospital chaplains and, apparently, that was something my father was involved with back then. One of my earliest memories is being told not to hang on the edge of the casket when I was trying to see my Great-Great-Grandpa Grosh, who died at the age of 99, when I was just a little, little kid. So, death in and of itself doesn’t bother me much at all. It’s just a part of life.
But, all the other stuff that goes along with death gets to me.
And, I have to admit, it occurred to me that, one day, perhaps soon, I’d be making a similar trip to bury one or both of my parents. That idea did not sit well with me at all. Apparently, even with all the childhood hours spent in and around funeral parlors and hospitals, I had managed to repress the idea that they’d be suffling off this mortal coil eventually. This, though, brought it all home. And, it makes my father the eldest living Hoffman.
In any case, that’s where I’ll be Friday and through New Year’s Eve. Well, actually, I’ll be flying back into Houston New Year’s Eve, but I’m quite sure I won’t be celebrating at all. Then, after things settle down a bit, I’ll get in touch with the girl from with whom I broke a date Tuesday because, frankly, with all this, I wasn’t going to be very good company. She was sweet, though, and I look forward to meeting her in person, eventually. Since she was born in China, I suspect I’ll be getting to know some new haunts with her, especially in our Chinatown. Hey, I didn’t even know that Houston had a Chinatown!
Oh, and another bit of good news: The groom with cold feet, J., who will be watching my dog, has been talking to L., his once and future fiance. And, she’s already taken the ring back. They’re going slower this time, though, which I think is probably a good thing for both of them. Still, I’m very happy that these two are back together. Crazy as they both might be sometimes, they’re still perfect for each other.
Well, I’ll queue a Friday Fun Link post, but I won’t be active on-line until I get back Sunday night. Enjoy the weekend.